
的 waitlist process allows students to become 招收ed for classes through their ctcLink帐户 As spots become available in a full class, students on 的候补名单 can automatically be 招收ed in the class, in the order they appear on 的候补名单.

Instructions on how to add yourself to a class waitlist:


  • 登录你的 ctcLink帐户
  • Select 学生主页-->Manage Classes--> 类搜索 和 招收
  • 选择正确的 术语  大学 (Example: WINTER 2022, Tacoma Community 大学)
  • Enter the class name in the search bar (Example: ENGL 101)
  • 选择正确的 box to view all open classes
  • View classes 并选择 your option
  • Select 下一个 
  • Add to waitlist if class is full, question, change the radio button from No to 是的 并选择 接受
  • Select 招收  下一个
  • Select 提交 
  • Select 是的 在弹出框中

的 waitlist runs for the last time shortly after the term starts. 找到了那个日期 中的每一项 校历. 


If 的候补名单 招收s you into the course, you will receive a message in your Message Center. 登录 ctcLink 并选择 学生主页--> Message Center.

A generic email communication will also be sent to your email the email will state, "You have a new message from Tacoma Community 大学. 请登录您的学生 主页在 ctclink 并选择 the Message Center Tile". 的 email communication will not provide specific details about the course or the notification. 登录 ctcLink to confirm the message is regarding 的候补名单.  


Tacoma Community 大学 has indicated that 11 credits of waitlisted courses are allowed 每学期. Students will receive the following error if they try to 招收 in more than 11 credits of waitlisted classes: "You are unable to add this class at this time. 的 maximum term wait list unit limit would be exceeded with this change."


When seats become available in a closed class section, the class remains closed until 的候补名单 process runs, automatically 招收ing students from 的候补名单. 的 class remains closed until 的候补名单 empties or the 招收ment capacity has been 见过,先到先到.

If a student does not meet the criteria to 招收 in the class, the process will select the next student on 的候补名单 according to their position 数量.

Students that were on 的候补名单 和 were not 招收ed will maintain their position 数量. Students will have an opportunity to be auto-招收ed the next time a seat is made available, if they resolve the issue that prevented them from being auto-招收ed 以前.

If 的候补名单 process runs 和 no students are 招收ed, then the class will open 和 other students will be given the opportunity to 招收 (even if there are still students on 的候补名单 that did not meet the criteria to be auto-招收ed).

If there are no students on 的候补名单, the class will open as usual when seats 都是可用的.

Criteria that Prevents 候补名单 招生 

Students will not be 招收ed from 的候补名单 if any of the following occur:

  • If adding 的候补名单ed class will result in a schedule of 20 or more credits.
  • 的 waitlisted class presents a time scheduling conflict with another class in which 他们已经注册了. 
  • Student is still 招收ed in another section of that class. 相反,学生应该 设置区段的SWAP. If set as a swap 的候补名单 will drop the currently 招收ed section with the preferred sections. See below for swap instructions.
  • If students ADD themselves to 的候补名单 for a different section of the same class (instead of using the SWAP feature), they must DROP the section in which they are 招收ed before they will be moved from 的候补名单.
  • 的 student has not met class prerequi网站s.
  • 的 student is 招收ed in a Co-Requiste course. Examples of Co-Requi网站 courses are 学习社区 (LC). A LC can have waitlist; however they must be managed 手动. 的 候补名单 process can not facilitate 招收ing a student into both sections simultaneously, which is required to meet 招生 Requirements. 联系 Learning Community Coordinator 了解更多. 

If students are not 招收ed from 的候补名单 due to any of these issues, they will be passed over 和 the next eligible student on 的候补名单 will be auto-招收ed.

Last Day to be Added From 候补名单

注册服务 will tun off the autmatic 招收ment via 的候补名单 after the 季度开始. 检查 重要日期日历 for the specific, "Last day to be added from waitlist" date. 

Faculty Note: We encourage faculty take screenshots/notes of the students on 的候补名单 on the "Last day to be added from waitlist". 这是 so you are able to prioritize students that were listed when overloading classes. 候补名单 will be purged shortly after stopping 的候补名单 processes. 


交换 allows you to switch from a class you are 招收ed in to a different class or to 的候补名单 for a different class.  的 basic instructions for using 交换 are 可透过 链接参考中心

的re will be times when 交换 will be convenient.  但 there are two scenarios when using 交换 is essential, 和 they both involve waitlists.

  1. You are planning to 招收 in another section of 的候补名单ed course.  Or
  2. 的 waitlisted class will put your total 招收ed credits over 19 credits.

Let’s say that you need to take Math 90 和 you really want to take Section 5 because it fits your schedule perfectly 和 you know that the instructor is fantastic.  不幸的是, 第五区刚刚挤满了人.  Section 1 also fits your schedule, 和 you’ve heard really good things about the instructor, but you know that taking a Math class at 7:30 in the morning is going to be tough for you.  You really, really need to take 数学90冬季学期.  So you decide you will 招收 in Section 1 和 get on the 第5部分的候补名单.  Hopefully, a spot will open for you in Section 5 和 you will move off 的候补名单 和 into the class.

这是 all great, except for one thing ctcLink will not 招收 you in two sections of the same course at the same time.  So, when you have finally moved to the top of the Section 5 waitlist, 和 a spot has opened for you in the class, ctcLink will not move you into the class because you are already 招收ed in another section of Math 90.  相反,ctcLink将查看 down 的候补名单 for the first student who is not already 招收ed in another section of Math 90 和 will 招收 that student in the class.  你只需坐在 在候补名单上名列前茅.

A:  You get on 的候补名单 using 交换!


  1. 首先, 招收 in Math 90 Section 1 – the class that is open.
  2. Open the 交换 window 并选择 Math 90 Section 1 under 交换 这 Class.  这是 the class you will drop if you get into Section 5.
  3. Under With 这 Class, search for Math 90 Section 5 or enter the four digit Class 它的编号.  这是 the class you want to swap into.

Because Section 5 is full, ctcLink should allow you to add your name to 的候补名单 第5节. 通过使用 交换 to put your name on 的候补名单, things should work the way you want.  当你 have moved to the 在候补名单上名列前茅 和 a spot opens for you, ctcLink should drop you from Section 01 和 招收 you in Section 05.  成功!


这 same thing can happen in another situation.  Let’s say that you 招收 in English 101和数学095.  You want to also take Music 110 – Introduction to Digital Music, 但它是满的.  所以你上了候补名单.  You really need to take 15 credits though, so you decide to 招收 in Biology 140 – Marine Biology.  你的计划是放弃生物学 如果你选音乐课的话,是140.  Eventually, you reach the top of the Music 110 waitlist, but you are never moved into the class!  Instead, other students further down the 列表.  发生了什么事??

记住, ctcLink will not 招收 you in more than 19 credits.  ctcLink cannot 招收 you in Music 110 because you are already 招收ed in 15 credits 和 adding Music 110 would put you at 20 credits.  So you are stuck at the top of 的候补名单.

A:  You get on 的候补名单 using 交换!


  1. 首先, 招收 in Biology 140 – the class that you want dropped if you get into Music 110.
  2. Open the 交换 window 并选择 Biology 140 in the 交换 这 Class frame.
  3. Under With 这 Class, search for Music 110 or enter the Class 它的编号.  这 is the class you want to swap into.

Because Music 110 is full, ctcLink should allow you to add your name to 的候补名单 对于这门课.

通过使用 交换 to put your name on 的候补名单, things should work the way you want.  当你 have moved to the 在候补名单上名列前茅 和 a spot opens for you, ctcLink should drop you from Biology 140 和 招收 you in Music 110.  成功!


  • 登录你的 ctcLink帐户.
  • Select 学生主页
  • Select 查看我的课程
  • Select 术语和Tacoma CC
  • Select 显示候补课程


Although overriding the 候补名单 is highly discouraged there are instances that can be sufficient enough to do so. Students who are graduating in the current term is an example of when we would suggest reaching out to the instructor for a permission code. If approved an instructor can assign a permission 数量 to overload the class. For instructions on how to use a permission 数量 visit our 报名参加课程 网站. If an override is not possible for the specific course, reach out to the department Chair to inquire about a course substitution instead. If approved for a substitution of graduation requirements Department Chairs will complete the 学位进度更新表格.



的 waitlist process can 招收 students into combined sections. 然而,候补名单 process assesses course by course 和 does not assess the combined  section as a "set." Let's say Math 97, 98, 和  99 are in a combined section. 当候补名单运行时, it checks Math 97  first, then 98, 和 finally 99. 的 earliest waitlisted student for the set may have been waitlisted for Math 99; however, the 候补名单 will 招收 any students for Math 97 or Math 98 before that student. 

